

Clean, minimal image processing library for Clojure



(this space intentionally left almost blank)

Drop in library for (some of) your image processing needs.

Collage was developed out of my own need to answer some specific needs in a project I was working on. Even though there are a couple of other libraries out there (mikera's imagez, which builds on imgscalr, a Java library), but I felt like implementing my own in order to gain more experience with Clojure.

The feature-set is somewhat similar to the previously mentioned libraries, adding functionality to paste layers (regular BufferedImages) onto an image and controlling the quality of the image when saving it to disk.

This project aims to

  • Be an easy to use, drop-in solution
  • Have a composable internal API
  • Be well tested
  • Be reasonably idiomatic
(ns fivetonine.collage.core
  (:require [fivetonine.collage.util :as util])
  (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
  (:import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform)
  (:import java.awt.RenderingHints))
(declare resize*)
(declare paste*)
(declare normalise-angle)
(declare pi-rotation?)
(def not-nil? (complement nil?))

Core functions

Rotates image through angle theta, where theta is an integer multiple of 90.

If theta > 0, the image is rotated clockwise.

If theta < 0, the image is rotated anticlockwise.

(defn rotate
  [image theta]
  (when-not (contains? (set (range -360 450 90)) (normalise-angle theta))
    (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
            "theta has to be an integer multiple of 90.")))
  (let [old-width (.getWidth image)
        old-height (.getHeight image)
        new-width (if (pi-rotation? theta) old-width old-height)
        new-height (if (pi-rotation? theta) old-height old-width)
        angle (Math/toRadians theta)
        new-image (BufferedImage. new-width new-height (.getType image))
        graphics (.createGraphics new-image)
        transform (AffineTransform.)]
    ;; Given that the rotation happens around the point (0,0) (the top left hand
    ;; corner of the image), the resulting image needs to be translated back
    ;; into the "viewport".
    (condp = (Math/abs (normalise-angle theta))
      0   (.translate transform 0 0)
      90  (.translate transform new-width 0)
      180 (.translate transform new-width new-height)
      270 (.translate transform 0 new-height)
      360 (.translate transform 0 0))
    (.rotate transform angle)
    (doto graphics
      (.drawImage image transform nil)

Flips an image.

If direction is :horizontal, flips the image around the y-axis.

If direction is :vertical, flips the image around the x-axis.

(defn flip
  [image direction]
  (let [width (.getWidth image)
        height (.getHeight image)
        new-image (BufferedImage. width height (.getType image))
        graphics (.createGraphics new-image)
        transform (AffineTransform.)]
    (case direction
      :horizontal (doto transform
                    (.translate width 0)
                    (.scale -1 1))
      :vertical (doto transform
                  (.translate 0 height)
                  (.scale 1 -1)))
    (doto graphics
      (.drawImage image transform nil)

Scales an image by a factor f.

If 0.0 < f < 1.0 the image is scaled down.

If f > 1.0 the image is scaled up.

(defn scale
  [image f]
  (resize* image
           (* f (-> image .getWidth int))
           (* f (-> image .getHeight int))))

Crops an image.

x, y are the coordinates to top left corner of the area to crop. width, height are the width and height of the area to crop.

The returned image does not share its data with the original image.

(defn crop
  [image x y width height]
  (-> image (.getSubimage x y width height) util/copy))

Resizes an image.

If only width or height is provided, the resulting image will be width or height px wide, respectively. The other dimension will be calculated automatically to preserve width/height ratio.

With width and height both provided, the resulting image will be crudely resized to match the provided values.

If neither width nor height are provided, IllegalArgumentException is thrown.


(resize image :width 100)
(resize image :height 300)
(resize image :width 100 :height 300)
(defn resize
  [image & {:keys [width height] :as opts}]
  (let [supported #{:width :height}
        options (select-keys opts supported)
        width (options :width)
        height (options :height)]
    (when (empty? options)
      (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
              "Width or height (or both) has to be provided.")))
     (and width height) (resize* image (int width) (int height))
     (not-nil? width)
     (let [new-height (* (/ (int width) (.getWidth image)) (.getHeight image))]
       (resize* image width (int new-height)))
     (not-nil? height)
     (let [new-width (* (/ (int height) (.getHeight image)) (.getWidth image))]
       (resize* image (int new-width) height)))))

Resize the given image to width and height. Used as an internal function by resize.

Note: the method of resizing may change in the future as there are better, iterative, solutions to balancing speed vs. quality. See the perils of Image.getScaledInstance().

(defn resize*
  [image width height]
  (let [new-image (BufferedImage. width height (.getType image))
        graphics (.createGraphics new-image)]
    (doto graphics
      (.setRenderingHint RenderingHints/KEY_INTERPOLATION
      (.drawImage image 0 0 width height nil)

Pastes layer(s) onto image at coordinates x and y.

layer-defs is expected to in the format

[layer1 x1 y2 layer2 x2 y2 ... ]

Layers are loaded using fivetonine.collage.util/load-image. Top left corner of a layer will be at x, y.

Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements in the list of layers and coordinates is not divisible by 3.

Returns the resulting image.

(defn paste
  [image & layer-defs]
  (let [args (flatten (seq layer-defs))]
    (when-not (= 0 (-> args count (rem 3)))
      (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
              "Expected layer-defs format [image1 x1 y1 image2 x2 y2 ... ].")))
    (let [new-image (util/copy image)
          layers (partition 3 args)]
      ;; "reduce" all the layers onto new-image using paste* -- the layers are
      ;; accumulated onto the image
      (reduce paste* new-image layers)

Paste layer on top of base at position x, y and return the resulting image. Used as an internal function by paste.

(defn paste*
  [base [layer x y]]
  (let [graphics (.createGraphics base)]
    (doto graphics
      (.setRenderingHint RenderingHints/KEY_RENDERING
      (.setRenderingHint RenderingHints/KEY_COLOR_RENDERING
      (.drawImage (util/load-image layer) x y nil)

A helper for applying multiple operations to an image.

image-resource can be a String, a File or a BufferedImage.


(with-image "/path/to/image.jpg"
             (scale 0.8)
             (rotate 90)
             (crop 0 0 100 100))

Expands to (properly namespaced):

(let [image__2336__auto__ (load-image "/path/to/image.jpg")]
  (clojure.core/-> image__2336__auto__
                   (scale 0.8)
                   (rotate 90)
                   (crop 0 0 100 100)))

Returns the image which is the result of applying all operations to the input image.

(defmacro with-image
  [image-resource & operations]
  `(let [image# (util/load-image ~image-resource)]
     (-> image# ~@operations)))


Does the rotation through angle theta correspond to a rotation that is a multiple of 180 degrees, meaning that the image preserves the original width and height.

(defn- pi-rotation?
  (-> theta (/ 90) (rem 2) (= 0)))

Restrict the rotation angle to the range [-360..360].

(defn normalise-angle
  (rem theta 360))
(ns fivetonine.collage.util
  (:require [ :refer [as-file file]])
(declare parse-extension)

Display an image in a JFrame.

Convenience function for viewing an image quickly.

(defn show
  [^BufferedImage image]
  (Frame/createImageFrame "Quickview" image))

Make a deep copy of an image.

(defn copy
  (let [width (.getWidth image)
        height (.getHeight image)
        type (.getType image)
        new-image (BufferedImage. width height type)]
    ;; Get data from image and set data in new-image, resulting in a copy
    ;; This also works for BufferedImages that are obtained by calling
    ;; .getSubimage on another BufferedImage.
    (.setData new-image (.getData image))

Store an image on disk.

Accepts optional keyword arguments.

:quality - decimal, between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.8.

:progressive - boolean, true turns progressive saving on, false turns it off. Defaults to the default value in the ImageIO API - ImageWriteParam/MODE_COPY_FROM_METADATA. See Java docs.


(save image "/path/to/new/image.jpg" :quality 1.0)
(save image "/path/to/new/image/jpg" :progressive false)

Returns the path to the saved image when saved successfully.

(defn save
  [^BufferedImage image path & rest]
  (let [opts (apply hash-map rest)
        outfile (file path)
        ext (parse-extension path)
        ^ImageWriter writer (.next (ImageIO/getImageWritersByFormatName ext))
        ^ImageWriteParam write-param (.getDefaultWriteParam writer)
        iioimage (IIOImage. image nil nil)
        outstream (ImageIO/createImageOutputStream outfile)]
    ; Only compress images that can be compressed. PNGs, for example, cannot be
    ; compressed.
    (when (.canWriteCompressed write-param)
      (doto write-param
        (.setCompressionMode ImageWriteParam/MODE_EXPLICIT)
        (.setCompressionQuality (get opts :quality 0.8))))
    (when (.canWriteProgressive write-param)
      (let [mode-map {true  ImageWriteParam/MODE_DEFAULT
                      false ImageWriteParam/MODE_DISABLED}
            mode-flag (get opts :progressive)]
        (doto write-param
          (.setProgressiveMode (get mode-map
    (doto writer
      (.setOutput outstream)
      (.write nil iioimage write-param)
    (.close outstream)

Coerce different image resource representations to BufferedImage.

(defprotocol ImageResource
  (as-image [x] "Coerce argument to an image."))
(extend-protocol ImageResource
  (as-image [s] (ImageIO/read (as-file s)))

  (as-image [f] (ImageIO/read f))

  (as-image [r] (ImageIO/read r))

  (as-image [b] b))

Loads an image from resource.

(defn ^BufferedImage load-image
  (as-image resource))

Helpers & experimental

Parses the image extension from the path.

(defn parse-extension
  (last (clojure.string/split path #"\.")))

Sanitizes a path. Returns the sanitized path, or throws if sanitization is not possible.

(defn sanitize-path
  (when-let [scheme (-> path URI. .getScheme)]
    (if (not (= "file" scheme))
      (throw (Exception. "Path must point to a local file."))
      (URI. path)))
  (URI. (str "file://" path)))